The Broken Projector Movie Podcast
A movie podcast that isn't boring.

The LEGO Movie

Studios should learn a powerful lesson from the one-two punch of The LEGO Movie and RoboCop. Specifically, that they're getting in the way of their own success. How do you make a hit? By making a great movie. How do you make a great movie? Hire great filmmakers and then empower them to create. Unfortunately, there are some huge roadblocks on the path toward that Utopia. We'll discuss them while envisioning a bright new future.

Plus, FSR Associate Editor Kate Erbland joins us for an Interrogation Reviewification of the aforementioned cyborg policeman movie, and we'll all offer some 80s movies we'd love/hate to see remade.

You should follow Kate (@katerbland), the show (@brokenprojector), Geoff (@drgmlatulippe) and Scott (@scottmbeggs) on Twitter for more on a daily basis.

And, as always, if you like the show (or hate it with seething fervor), please help us out with a review.

Direct download: brokenprojector-episode49.mp3
Category:Movie Reviews -- posted at: 2:53am EDT