The Broken Projector Movie Podcast
A movie podcast that isn't boring.

Deadpool! It succeeded! It was R-rated! Studios are baffled for no real reason! Get ready for copycat syndrome and shoehorned violence. Today on the show we welcome on Forbes box office pundit Scott Mendelson to help us roll our eyes at shocked studio narratives and to examine the elements of what made Deadpool work (and which ones will be overlooked completely by executives looking for an easy turnaround buck). 

As we speak, interns are combing through studio-owned IP to see what goofy superhero they can pour blood all over.

Plus, Geoff and I will talk about the movie review website and the statistics project that won the week.

You should follow Scott Mendelson (@scottmendelson), the show (@brokenprojector), Geoff (@drgmlatulippe) and Scott (@scottmbeggs) on Twitter for more on a daily basis.

Direct download: brokenprojector-episode109.mp3
Category:Movie Reviews -- posted at: 2:15pm EDT